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Home in Spain

Non-lucartive visa image-1

Non-lucrative residence visa for Spain

 The visa is granted to non-EU citizens who would like to live in Spain for more than 6 months and not work or derive any income professional activities. Getting this visa is a great option if you plan to live in Spain and:… work with/in other countries (e.g: remote work). Working in Spain is not allowed (at least for the first year) live in Spain and still operate your business outside...

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Covid-19 and spanish real state. Effects on foreign buyers

The coronavirus crisis is affecting the real estate market and particularly to foreigners who had made their purchase prior to the arrival of the pandemic. Most of those buyers are now in their countries of origin and unable to return to Spain because the borders are closed. Many are following the news and waiting for the  Spanish authorities to announce when the borders will be open again, so they can...

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