请注意,加拿大公民可以免签证在西班牙停留最多 90 天。此后,他们 必须 申请长期居留签证。
加拿大是所列有资格免签证进入西班牙长达 90 天的国家之一,如果您是 持有加拿大护照的加拿大公民,如果学习时间少于3个月,则无需申请签证。如果您不是加拿大永久居民或者您是其他国家/地区的公民,请研究您所在国家/地区的具体规则,看看您是否有资格获得免签证入境。
While each person will go through their own unique experience dealing with their student visa, mine was positive overall. I felt that I was able to get the approved student visa from the consulate rather quickly but some Canadians I talked to expressed their frustration with getting information from the Consulate of Toronto.
我在大约 2.5 个月的计划内就获得了所有批准。在离开加拿大之前我唯一无法完成的事情是在前往西班牙之前通过邮件收到经过认证的大学文凭。我最终需要我的家人将经过认证的大学邮寄到西班牙。
- 有效护照 获得西班牙认可,其最低有效期等于预期在西班牙的停留时间。护照必须至少在计划停留的整个期间有效,并且有两张空白页。不接受 10 年前签发的护照。
- 学校注册:由西班牙认可的学术机构出具的证明学校注册的信函
- 海外 医疗保险 保险(大多数大学/教育机构将在入学时提供此保险。如果您的大学不包括保险,则您必须从私人健康保险公司购买)
- 住宿证明 –您需要证明您抵达西班牙时有住宿。您可以通过酒店、旅馆、爱彼迎或公寓预订确认函来证明这一点。如果您计划住在朋友家里,那么您将需要该人的邀请函。该文件必须是官方的(只有非欧盟公民才需要该文件)。
- 财务证明 可靠性 -您必须提供银行对账单、奖学金等,证明您每月至少有600欧元或$883加拿大币用于学习期间所需的住宿。如果您的父母为您提供经济援助,您必须提供他们最近的 2 份银行对账单的副本,以及经过公证并由您父母签名的表明他们同意的信函。
- 医疗证书- 如果您的逗留时间超过 6 个月,则需要提供此信息。建议向您的家庭医生询问以下措辞模板,(取自“西班牙驻加拿大大使馆”官方网站)...
“这份医疗证明表明先生/夫人。 ……根据 2005 年《国际卫生条例》中的规定,未患任何可能对公共卫生造成严重后果的疾病。”
Note: The doctor’s note has a validity of 6 months since the date issued by your medical doctor. It needs to be translated into Spanish and apostilled (provincially, not by Global Affairs).
- 犯罪记录: 如果停留时间超过六个月,申请人过去5年居住过的所有国家(包括加拿大)当局出具的犯罪记录报告。警察支票由加拿大皇家骑警(RCMP)签发,并包含签证申请人的指纹。最多可能需要一个月的时间才能收到指纹记录。该文件在渥太华签发,并将邮寄给签证申请人。您需要为您的申请提供无犯罪记录和指纹的皇家骑警原始文件。The cost is $85 at the time of writing this article. RCMP have a validity of 6 months since issuance.Please note that as of January 11, 2024 the Consulate of Spain only accepts the RCMP certificates apostilled from Global Affair in Toronto (and not from the Provincial Authorities) and from the Embassy of Canada in Madrid. In order to get the apostille from the Embassy of Canada in Madrid you will need to have a physical address in Spain or EU (or a friend that gives you that address). Please refer to Global Affairs Canada page for the most up to date information 这里.
- 签证申请表 – 在提交申请前六个月内,由商业摄影师或工作室亲自拍摄的一 (1) 张近期全脸彩色照片完成并签名。 可以找到签证申请表的链接 这里 You’ll need to have another copy of your application when you are submitting your documents for the officials to stamp the date on.
- 签证费– 自 2024 年起,加拿大人的签证处理费为 $131.90 能. Please refer to the consular fee chart for other nationalities. Only a certified cheque or money order payable to the “Embassy of Spain” or cash will be accepted.
Visa applications must be submitted in person either to Spanish Embassy in Ottawa or Spanish Consulate in Toronto.
First, you need to book an appointment by email (cog.toronto.citasvis@maec.es for Toronto and emb.ottawa.cit@maec.es for Ottawa).
For Toronto, Email subject should be:
“First name;Last name;STUDY VISA APPOINTMENT”.
The email body should contain:
POSTAL ADDRESS: (City, Postal code),
INTENDED DEPARTURE DATE FROM CANADA: dd/mm/yyyy. You must also attach the following documents to your email in PDF format:
ONE identification document in PDF format, PASSPORT and PROOF OF RESIDENCE IN CANADA and Certificate of admission issued in Spain by any authorised university or school.
You’ll need to apply in advance, as it took me 2 months to hear back.
You also want to get all your documents ready while you wait, as I only had 2 weeks notice before my appointment date and it’s not enough time to get everything ready.
Once you have your appointment and your documents, everything else is easy. I flew to Toronto myself because I wanted to ask some questions and to make sure that I don’t need any other documents, but an authorised representative can submit documents on your behalf in cases of long distances or proven difficulties in travelling. However, you will need to pick them up in person, as you can’t send a representative to do it for you. Consulate officials were very nice and answered all my questions. It took 2 weeks for my visa to get approved.
在多年未与其他国家一起加入海牙缔约方之后,加拿大终于于 2024 年 1 月 11 日成为《加注公约》的缔约方。
根据这一变化,不再像过去那样处理两个合法化渠道,认证过程需要先到加拿大全球事务部,然后再到西班牙大使馆或领事馆,现在只有一个方负责认证。这取决于哪个省份签发或公证了该文件。 有关身份验证的所有详细信息在加拿大政府网站上都有更多提及,发现 这里 .
获得签证只是完成了一半的工作。西班牙领事馆批准的签证是 仅有效期为 90 天 一旦你到达西班牙。 当您抵达西班牙时,您必须在 科米萨里亚(警察局) 在您入境盖章后 30 天内,这样您就可以获得外国身份证,即 外在身份的目标 或者 领带 在您整个住宿期间。
顺便说明一下,如果您需要超过 90 天才能获得官方 TIE,请不要担心。我花了 4 个月才拿到我的 TIE,我不得不重新申请另一个 TIE,这又花了一个月的时间(从我进入西班牙以来总共 5 个月),因为官员不小心把我的 TIE 的到期日期写错了,我不得不更改它。只要您在该申请的系统中,您就不会遇到西班牙当局的任何麻烦。
Working while on Student Visa
I didn´t work during my student visa but I know it´s possible to work part-time, as long as your work schedule doesn´t overlap with your classes.
There is a legal process in which the company that hires you need to apply at the immigration office and after the resolution you could start working
如果您对学生签证不感兴趣,但对其他类型的签证感兴趣,请查看其他类型的信息 去西班牙的签证