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Documenti richiesti per la tua residenza in Spagna

Important documentation that you might require in order to process your visa for Spain…

Casellario penale per la Spagna

A seconda della tua situazione, che si tratti di studio, matrimonio, unione civile o lavoro, dovrai fornire per i tuoi documenti il casellario giudiziale tradotto da un traduttore giurato in spagnolo. Il processo cambierebbe a seconda se sei già in Spagna o se sei ancora nel tuo paese di origine e […]

Carta di identità straniera (TIE)

What is the TIE? The Spanish Foreign Identity Card (TIE) is a personal procedure, since the registration of the fingerprint is requested. It is mandatory for all foreigners who have obtained a visa or authorization to reside in Spain for a period of more than six months or who have long-term residence. If you dont […]

Registrazione del tuo indirizzo in Spagna (Padrón)

Finding an apartment or a room to rent Fiding a rent in Spain might not be as easy as you expect. If you want to rent an apartment on your own they will probally require for you to have a work contract but if you just need a room in a shared appartnent they would […]

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