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Tipi di visto

Visto per nomade digitale

Visto per nomadi digitali per la Spagna

If you work remotely for a Company or an employer outside of Spain this visa could be a great option for you. Some of the enefics of getting this visa... Fast application procedure of  just 20 days Get the permanent residency after 5 years Favourable non-Resident Income Tax Regime: what means discounts on taxes and you pay less in your generated income Travel in all the Schengen area...

immagine: Mobilità giovanile

Visto per mobilità giovanile in Spagna

Il visto per mobilità giovanile, comunemente noto come Working Holiday Visa, è rivolto a persone che desiderano andare in vacanza in Spagna con la possibilità di lavorare lì per integrare le proprie possibilità economiche. Le condizioni per beneficiare di questo programma in Spagna sono: - Avere tra i 18 e i 30 anni (fino a 35 per il Canada) - Avere un biglietto di andata e ritorno o risorse sufficienti per acquistarne uno e disporre del necessario...


Family Arraigo visa to Spain

If you are a Non-EU citizen and are with a relative who has Spanish or EU citizenship, then you are entitled to get a 5-year residency card that allows you to live and work in Spain. After the 5 years are finished you could apply for permanent residency. There are three visas under exceptional circumstances: – Arraigo familiar – Arraigo social – Arraigo...

Non-lucartive visa image-1

Visto di soggiorno non lucrativo per la Spagna

The visa is granted to non-EU citizens who would like to live in Spain for more than 6 months and not work or derive any income professional activities. Getting this visa is a great option if you plan to live in Spain and:… work with/in other countries (e.g: remote work). Working in Spain is not allowed (at least for the first year) live in Spain and still operate your business outside...

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